I had almost made a complete recover from my anxiety in the past and, perhaps ignorantly, thought I would never let myself get so ill again. When things are going well, it can be easy to take it for granted. Perhaps some people would rather intentionally push the memory of harder times from their minds […]
It’s Not All Plain Sailing: Hair Pulling Update

I wrote a blog post called Overcoming Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling) 6 months ago, so now is the ideal time to assess my progress. Back then, I stated I had been pulling my hair out for 15 years and suddenly stopped after reading one piece of advice. I made no secret of the fact this had […]
Is Your Job A Cause Of Major Stress?

Is your jobĀ a cause of major stress in your life? It is easy to become so caught up in work frustrations that they take over our lives and we lose perspective of what is really important to us. Of course, if you work in a profession where it really is a matter of life and […]
Being Held Back From Your Ambitions By Anxiety

It is easy to be held back from your ambitions, particularly when you are anxious or have mental health problems. The ambitions can seem huge and daunting. This is how I felt about one of my ambitions; to travel to remote places in the Arctic. It seemed impossible at a time when going into my […]